>I did talk to the server admin, and she hadn't changed any of the settings
>recently, but when I checked the CF Administrator on our test site (which
>works), I noticed that the locking information was set differently, so I
>changed the lock settings in the production CF Administrator from "Full
>Checking" to "No Automatic Checking", and that cleared up the problem
>because the code uses the name attribute instead of the scope attribute.
>What I find odd, however, is that this code and the production CF Admin
>server settings have not changed in 2 years, meaning that the production
>environment has been set to "Full Checking" for a long time, so why did it
>suddenly throw the error yesterday?

KeAnne, I don't know the answer to your last question, but I'd like to make
a recommendation, if I may, as to your current setup.

The optimal setup with specific regard to your locking issue would be to
enable the strict locking checkboxes in the CF Administrator in your
*development* environment so as to force the developers to code better, and
then disable the checkboxes in production. The enabling of the features
results in a noticeable performance degradation, particularly under load. If
you enable the options in your development environment, you force your team
to code smarter and alleviate the need to for overhead in production.

I use ColdFusion MX now, so I haven't had to worry about this in a while.
But when I was on previous versions of CF, this approach resulted in
noticeable benefits -- 1) your team codes smarter and more proactively, 2)
your production site performance increases, and 3) proper locking will
alleviate the chances of clashes and race conditions, which is why you're
locking in the first place.

Hope this helps.

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