To the original question of whether a cached CF query will be more
efficient than reading and looping over the contents of a .csv file.
Definitely, since the cached query will be kept in memory.

I suppose what you could do (and I have no idea how to accomplish this)
is have a SQL trigger that somehow executes a CF template which re-runs
the cached query.  Can you make an http request from SQL server, or at
least run a command line program that makes the request?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Slatoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: SQL Trigger vs. Stored Procdure

>I want to keep calls to the database to a minimum.
>Michael Slatoff
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "Gregory Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 10:23:51 -0700
>Subject: Re: SQL Trigger vs. Stored Procdure
>> You could do that I suppose, but why not just store your navigation
>> table information, HTML and all INSIDE the database rather than as a
>> separate file under the guise of SQL....makes more sense to
>> can bring up the HTML up through a SQL Statement without a problem,
>> why not?
>> Gregory Harris
>> Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA)
>> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/16 10:10 AM >>>
>> I'm sorry for the lack of info.
>> What I am trying to do is keep all of my navigation items in a table.
>> When "the powers that be" want to make a change, they will be able to
>> go
>> to a form to update. When the update happens, I want to have a
>> write a .csv file that would be CFinclude in my template. What I am
>> wondering is, this worth the trouble?
>> Michael Slatoff
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Gregory Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 09:40:00 -0700
>> Subject: Re: SQL Trigger vs. Stored Procdure
>> > Could you be a little more specific about what you are trying to
>> > It sounds like a stored procedure and/or a cursor might be the
>> > and faster way out of what you're doing.  Why write to a .csv file?
>> > Let me know what you're doing and I'll help ya use the right tools
>> for
>> > the right job!
>> >
>> > Gregory Harris
>> > Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA)
>> >
>> >
>> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/16 9:29 AM >>>
>> > I am considering using a trigger to write .csv file when a column
>> > changes. I will then include that file and use it to loop over.
>> >
>> > The question is...
>> >
>> > Is this more efficient or less efficient than using a cached query?
>> >
>> > Michael Slatoff
>> >

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