>xslt doesn't know by default about & n b s p ; - thats part of the html
>spec. You can get around it pretty easily by using & # 1 6 0 ; instead.

Argh ... that turned out to be the problem.  One of those "shoulda known" things that I didn't see because I've been staring at this stuff for too long.

>cf is not the best place to write xslt sheets (runs them well (aside
>from parameter passing)). If I may suggest, try using
>http://treebeard.sf.net it's free and you'll get much more helpful
>errors (the author is kind of retarded but the product is helpful :-D)

Thanks--I'll check that out.

>also, you might want to grab an xslt book - you'll get better usage out
>of xslt if you use templates instead of for-each's

I had been using templates but decided to put everything inline for debugging purposes--this will all be in templates again now that I know what the problem was.  I actually went out and picked up O'Reilly's "XSLT" and "XSLT Cookbook" this morning; both seem like they're going to be very helpful.  I've dabbled in XML/XSLT stuff on and off before but decided to use my current project as an excuse to get heavily into it.  Nothing like putting your own feet to the fire to force you to learn something well. ;-)

Thanks again--everything's working great now.

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