There are tons of way to load data into Flash. The code snippet you  
posted below is just the standard HTML tags to embed Flash content into  
an HTML page.

Do you happen to have the text file that flash is loading?

Does it look something like this:



mike chambers


On Jun 15, 2004, at 2:10 PM, Nick Baker wrote:

> As usual I get caught trying to catch up with technology in a crunch.
>  I have a inherited a small project that was uses flash, and need to  
> make
>  some minor editorial changes. Plus integrate into CF files (files are
>  currently HTM). So far I have been able to convert the files to CFM  
> and add
>  some simple CF functionality, with out any hitches.
>  What is the minimum that I need to make text changes? As best I can  
> tell
>  the text that Flash is displaying is in a .txt file, but I can't  
> figure out
>  what format? Do I need to purchase some kind of editor to make  
> changes? Or,
>  just need to know the format?
>  The site currently calls the following to achieve Flash  
> functionality. Is
>  this basically the way Flash works, i.e., you develop some files with  
> text
>  for display then call Flash to generate the display and text? Or,  
> should I
>  download some flash functionality to my CF server?
>  A lot of questions, but any answers would help.
>  Thanks,
>  Nick
>  <object classid=""> >   
> codebase=""
>  height="450" width="600">
>                 <param name="movie" value="media/welcome.swf">
>                 <param name="quality" value="high">
>  <embed src="" quality="high"
> pluginspage="
> P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"
>  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="450" width="600">
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