I'm taking over a CF application that somebody else
wrote, and I'm very new to it.  I've been able to make
a few of the necessary changes, but now I'm stumped.

I want to be able to lock the user out after 3
incorrect attempts to log in.  I have the following
code - first is the code to handle incorrect usernames
and passwords, then is the session info that is set
when the user logs in.  Do I need to add code in here
somewhere to display a message after 3 attempts to log


<cfif #MemberName# IS ""><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
You must provide a username!  
<a href="" here to try again.</a><br>
<cfset error="1">

<cfelseif #MemberPassword# IS ""><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
You must provide a password!  
<a href="" here to try again.</a><br>
<cfset error="1">

<cfelseif login.username IS "" >br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
There was a problem with that username and password!
<a href="" here to try again.</a><br>
<cfset error="1">

<CFLOCK TIMEOUT="60" NAME="#session.sessionID#"
<!--- set session variable session.name --->
<CFSET session.name= Membername>
<CFSET session.accesslevel = login.Accesslevel>
<CFSET session.area1 = login.area1>
<CFSET session.area2 = login.area2>

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