the documentation comes with the product doesn't show much information

the following example comes with the doc

<!--- Include this file so we can use all the ChartFX constants --->

      <!--- Create the ChartFX Server Object --->
<CFOBJECT ACTION="" NAME="Chart" CLASS="ChartFX.WebServer">

<!--- Set the UserAgent property to allow browser detection --->
<CFSET Chart.UserAgent=#HTTP_USER_AGENT# >

<!--- The samples look better in white --->
<CFSET Chart.RgbBk=16777215 >

<!---Create the ADODB Connection and query the database--->
<!---Open the ODBC data source--->
<!---Execute the SQL statement that will return the data--->
<CFSET RS=Conn.Execute("SELECT Month,Sales,Projected From CIEDemoSales","","0")>

      <!---Assign the contents of the ResultSet to the Chart--->
      <CFSET Chart.AdoResultset(RS)>

      <!---Close The Connection--->
      <CFSET Conn.Close()>
<!--- The next line will generate the HTML tag --->
<CFOUTPUT> #Chart.GetHtmlTag(500,350)# </CFOUTPUT>

now my problem is I need to use the SQL server so I can't use it with ADODB component (i don't know how to create the connection with sQL with ADODB).

I tried to do it with cfquery but
<CFSET Chart.AdoResultset(RS)>
the above line doesnt like the recordset.
its name like its using the Ado styple query, not the cfquery.

will appriciate your responses.

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