My gateway server blocks 98% of spam with a rare false positive requiting
And no challenge - response either.

Currently serving 180 domains.

Our Anti-spam solution works!!
For hosting solutions

  >> "On average it stops about 82% of all incoming mail"

  > You mean people don't mind not receiving 82% of their email? ;-)
  > KOla

  Not if whats incoming is pure, unadulterated kaka.  I host what I
  would consider is a general mix of ordinary folk, plus a few with
  extremely low tolerance for false positives (government types).  Three
  times since its inception someone has gotten the jitters and requested
  that I take them off the system so they can manage spam for

  They've never lasted more than 48 hrs.  300+ spams per day will do
  that to you.  Plus the system drops the connection (NOT a bounce msg)
  back to the sending mail server that includes a human-readable
  message, so if it is a real person then their own server's postmaster
  will let them know the score.

  I used to spend an hour a day massaging my previous, very capable
  anti-spam system.  After a week of training, now I spend zero.  And
  the thing was free.

  --Matt Robertson--
  MSB Designs, Inc.
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