Is there a way to use a wildcard to check and see if a certain structure
say FormErrors contains any elements as opposed to having to check
for specific structure element contents.

In other words, can I code <CFIF StructKeyExists(FormErrors.*), where * is a
instead of having to check for each item, such as:

<CFIF StructKeyExists(FormErrors.FirstName)
      or StructKeyExists(FormErrors.LastName)
      or etc...>

I want to be able to send a general alert to a form user that there are form
errors to be check below interspersed in the form if any errors exists at
without having CFIF through each one...


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:18 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Is there a way to have all CFCatch messages display at once?

  An interesting approach, Joe.

  I'm using CF 4.5 still if that matters, and haven't used <CFINPUT>
  in a couple of years.

  Does the "message" part of the CFINPUT tag
  appear inside the form field? (I guess it would...)

  Then if there were an error, the "formErrorFields" error message
  would then appear below the field again?  (As you have
  it coded, right?

  The only problem I see with that approach is that I display
  a user's original entry back into the fields of the form, so they
  can see what they may have done wrong...

  This is how I code all my <INPUT>'s at this point...

  <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Submit")>

       <INPUT Name="FirstName" Type="Text"
                    Size="30" MaxLength="30" Class="TextInput01">


       <INPUT Name="FirstName" Type="Text" Value=""
                   Size="30" MaxLength="30" Class="TextInput01">


  But, I guess I could still make use of a structure instead of an array,
  and just use it the same way I'm currently using the array to display
  Using a structure instead of an array would make the error messages easier
  to keep up with since they incorporate the name of the formfield...A form
  38 entry fields could get a little confusing...ErrorMessage[32][1]
  which field was that, anyway...)  :o)

  Thanks for the tip!  Sounds good!


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Joe Rinehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:08 AM
    To: CF-Talk
    Subject: Re: Is there a way to have all CFCatch messages display at


    Instead of using a two-dimensional array, why not just use a structure?

    At the beginning of your page, you could do this:

    <cfset formErrorFields = structNew()>

    Then, if a given field (say, firstname was blank) had something wrong
    with it, do:

    <cfif not len(trim(form.firstname))>
      <cfset formErrorFields.firstname = "Please enter a first name.">

    Then, in your form:

    <cfinput type="text" name="firstname" required="true" message="Please
    enter a first name"><br>
    <cfif structKeyExists(formErrorFields, firstname)>

    Granted, this limits you to only being able to have one thing wrong
    with each field at a time, but there's no reason each element couldn't
    be an array containing multiple error messages per field.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 08:07:25 -0400
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have all CFCatch messages display at

    I've worked out a way using a two dimensional array

    that contains the error message in the first dimension and set the

    second dimension in the row to "Yes" if there is an error found.

    Formfield 1 message is ErrorMessage[1][1] and ErrorMessage[1][2] is set

    "Yes" or "No".

    (No by default)

    Formfield 2 message is ErrorMessage[2][1], etc...

    None of this is dynamic, just hard coded.

    I just validate each form field and if there is a problem, set


    to hold whatever message is appropriate for the field and

    to "Yes".

    Then, there is a row just above each form field and its title which will


    it's contents, ErrorMessage[1][1], etc., if ErrorMessage[1][2] has been

    to "Yes."

    Now, all problems can be addressed at once, instead of one at a


    For long forms, and as a standard of practice for all forms, I'll

    message at the

    top of the form which states that there are errors in the form input,

    please check

    your entries and correct as necessary.

    Works great so far!

    And Dick...even colorblind folks should be able to tell when a

    background field

    with dark text is changed to a dark-colored background with light



      -----Original Message-----

      From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

      Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 12:56 AM

      To: CF-Talk

      Subject: Re: Is there a way to have all CFCatch messages display at

      On Jun 22, 2004, at 5:55 PM, Adrocknaphobia wrote:

      > Although rather than blast a user with all

      >  those errors, why not do something more subtle like highlight the

      >  invalid form fields with another color.



      I think you want to do both -- a list of errors and highlighted

      fields-- maybe highlight by default and a popup, on demand, that lists

      all the errors ( especially useful if the user has to scroll the


      FWIW, there are a lot of color-blind users who surf the web-- at least

      that's what I have been told!



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