I once did something like this....(havent tested this pseudo-cfcode..
but you get the idea)

(in your app_locals or application.cfm, etc, wherever you initialize

<!--- application.cfm or other intiialization templates --->
<Cfparam name="session.online" default="X">
<Cfparam name="session.loggedin" default="false">
<Cfparam name="application.online" default="#structnew()#">
<Cfif not session.loggedin and issimplevalue(session.online)>
    <Cfset session.online.stamp=now()>

(In page which processes successful login )
<!---- act_login.cfm or other session-now-online-page ---->
<Cflock...do your locking here>



(In page which logs out)
<!--- act_logout or whatever processes manual logout --->
<cflock ... do your locking here>

(page for periodic cleanup -- put this in the CFScheduler every X
minutes, or create a  java thread if you want)
<!--- cleanUp.cfm --->
<cflock ...application...>
    <cfset >     <!--- use a local safe copy --->

<Cfloop index="u" list=structkeylist(online)>
    <cfset mystr=structfind(online,u)>
    <cfif not mystr.loggedin or abs(datediff("n",now(),mystr.stamp)) gt
        <cflock ...application...>   
            <cfset structdelete(application.online,u)>
            <!---(Do your cleanup/post-processing here)---->


From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:09 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Time Tracking

I would add that the current "anti-popup" climate has brought on a host
of new pop-up blocking tools. If in your
"onUnload" function you are calling another page, I suspect a popup
blocker would take issue with that - no?


I would say that is a high probability as well.


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