There's also a sneaky workaround I found involving the inbuilt
java.lang.System object. I wrote a blog article about it here (a bit
waffly, but you can just skip straight to the code at the bottom!) :

Hope that helps,


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From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 June 2004 00:12
To: CF-Talk
Subject: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

I am program-parsing a large XML file -- my iTunes library:

3,9 Meg
85,000 lines
3,500 tracks
20 Playlists
1 Library Playlist containing all the tracks.

A big file

When I tried doing this with CFMX XML functions, everything was in
memory and I got the"


With the help of Joe Rinehart I put together a Java object to read the
XML file, line by line.
I parse each line and:

1) Build a structure of structures of track info:

--- Title
--- Artist
--- File Path

2) Build a Structuer of structures of structures of structures of
Playlist info

------------ Title
------------ Artist
------------ File Path

as I create each track in the playlist, I populate it with the info
from  the tracks structure.

This all goes well and I am left with 2 big structures in memory.

For debugging purposes, I decided to cfdump both structures.

Strange thing happens:

the program completes and displays the track structure (the first

about  half through the playlist structure the display stops and I get:


I can change the program so that it just does either one cfdump or the
other and it runs fine.

so, I added a cfflusg between the 2 cfdumps and it runs fine.

My questions:

What is causing the out of memory error?

Is there a memory limit to CF tags such as cfdump, cfhttp, cffile, etc?

if so what is it.

Can/should  I change JVM settings to alleviate this?



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