thank you guys for your help. Alistair, I now see why this is not allowed or not recommended. Given that this is not possible, is it possible to open the file that's sitting on the server. I've changed the cfcontent deletefile attribute to 'no'

<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Type" VALUE="#mimetype#">
<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline; filename=#fName#">
  <cfif getAttachmentDetails.recordcount gt 0>
   <CFCONTENT TYPE="#mimetype#" FILE="E:\inetpub\wwwroot\FileUploads\#fName#"

When a user hits on a file name in href, the windows open/save file dialog box propmpts the user to either save or open the file. If the user clicks on the 'open' button, I want windows to open the file that's in the server file upload directory (E:\inetpub\wwwroot\FileUploads\). At the minute if I try to open a file, for example if the file name is 'test.doc', when I hit on the 'open' button, windows creates a file in a temp folder under my profile and opens that file. Is it possible to open the server copy? I hope I am making sense.

Best regards,
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