
So you can run CF apps without a browser!

In theory, the drop folder could be an for an email received and routed
to the folder by another app.

Or, maybe the email program could invoke the CFC, itself.

My first CF host (circa 1998) had a custom written email setup ...
where you setup so that when mail was received at certain email
address(es), designated CF program(s) was invoked.

Very useful -- I demo'd the feature by:

1) send email with list of stock symbols in body to

2) email rec'd at this account triggered my program which CFHTTP'd the
stock symbols to a stock quote site, harvested the quotes from the
returned page, and emailed the results to the requestor.

In those, days you could get stock quotes on demand from a wireless
phone -- before anyone provided such s service.

Lotsa other potential uses --- you could even tell the server to reboot
it self, turn down the furnace, start the coffee.

But, this new CF capability might be even better.

Say the event invoking a CFC was an OSA script --- if so, the power of
CF is available to other applications (as well as the converse)

So a web request could trigger a cfexecute of a whole series of bg
tasks (each handled by the appropriate scripting language, application,
etc.) ... the kick off a CF process to wrap it up.



On Jun 28, 2004, at 9:14 AM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:

> What he demoed was the ability to call CFC methods in response to
> non-HTTP
>  events, such as socket connections, database changes, file changes,
> etc.
>  The example he showed had CF watching a "drop" folder and he copied a
> text
>  file to the folder and CF automatically detected that the file was
> added and
>  ran a CFC method to process the template and import the data into a
>  database.
>  Also related on the "not before seen" list was asynchronous method
> calls so
>  you can have one request set off a separate cf template call and have
> things
>  run in parallel.  No example shown and no more details given.  Very
> neat
>  though.
>  Best regards,
>  Sam
>  ----------------------------------------
>  Blog
>  TeamMM
>  ----------------------------------------
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 11:56 AM
>  > To: CF-Talk
>  > Subject: SOT: Blackstone @ CF-FUN '04
>  >
>  > Slight OT here:
>  >
>  > Anyone catch Ben's Blackstone keynote(s) at CF-FUN? It was
>  > rumored that he was going to demo some features not
>  > previously shown on the User Group tour this summer.
>  >
>  > Anyone have the details?!  ;-)
>  >
>  > Thanks!
>  >
>  > --
>  > Alex
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