Why not?

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 18:24:30 -0700, Dick Applebaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 28, 2004, at 5:16 PM, Matt Woodward wrote:
> > >So, CF programs can be run without a browser.
> >  >
> >  >Now, if you don't need a browser, why do you need a web server?
> >  >
> >  >Dick
> >
> >  The point I got from this (and as Ben Forta said, this is one of
> > those things that two weeks from now I'll think "HOLY COW!" and have a
> > perfect example of how cool this is going to be) was not that the goal
> > was to eliminate the browser, but rather to open up all the other
> > possibilities that are either difficult or impossible to do in CF
> > today.  I'm sure we'll be writing web applications that run in a
> > browser or Flash or whatever new technology comes out next for a long
> > time to come, but these gateways will allow us to talk to anything any
> > time using any protocol, without kludging things together or always
> > being stuck with the http way of doing things.
> >
> Matt
> Exactly!
> I don't want to give up the browser/web server but have them as
> optional facilities.
> I have always maintained that CF provides a superior way of
> implementing some apps -- and the browser interface was just a
> necessary evil.
> I have programmed a lot of languages, but for certain things, like ad
> hoc db reports, CF is unequalled (IMO).
> So, I guess I could put a Swing front end on a CFMX app and run on the
> desktop?
> Dick
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