On Jun 28, 2004, at 9:13 PM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:

> It has no UI capabilities of it's own, so it's always going to be the
> back
>  end to something else.  That alone is enough to make it a poor choice
> for
>  desktop apps.

Neither does Java!

>  The 84mb runtime engine doesn't help either.

BD has a 10 MB

>  And most of all, even if it was technically possible to make desktop
> apps,
>  that certainly is not the main area where CF will be used and thus
> pricing
>  is much more likely to remain at current levels geared towards server
>  deployment.  There is coral which is geared toward desktop apps (still
>  pointless in my opinion) and a free version of BlueDragon which could
> be
>  used for the purpose.
>  So are you playing devil's advocate or do you really believe CF would
> be
>  good to use for desktop apps??  :-)

No, I am serious ... Dave Watts pointed out that "If all you have is a
hammer, everything looks like a nail"

Well, I have lots of nails!


>  Sam
>  ----------------------------------------
>  Blog http://www.rewindlife.com
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>  ----------------------------------------
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:02 AM
>  > To: CF-Talk
>  > Subject: Re: Blackstone @ CF-FUN '04
>  >
>  > But Sam,
>  >
>  > The pricing is based on a distro modlel of thousands (or hundreds of
>  > thousands).
>  >
>  > If you have a pricing based on hundreds of millions of
>  > desktops, that's
>  > quite another thing.
>  >
>  > What it boils down to is that CFMX is becoming something
>  > analogous to a
>  > UCSD p-code compiler/interpreter -- that was used to create the
>  > second-generation of microcomputer apps (and much of the original
> Mac
>  > GUI.
>  >
>  > CFML is easier to learn/write/maintain apps than Pascal, Java, APL,
>  > JSP, PHP, Perl C,.....
>  >
>  > why not use it?
>  >
>  > Dick
>  >
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