Does anyone have a view on which of these is a better tool for stress
testing a Java-based web app on a remote Linux server and/or on local
Windows dev boxes? And why? Or is there a better free tool (eg MS WAS)?

What I'd like to achieve is an integrated approach where we can generate
HTTP requests on the client(s), and record the statuses and timings of the
responses, but also somehow record/analyse what's happening inside the
server (Apache, MySQL, JVM, JRun etc) at the same time. Or would it be more
sensible to use different tools for these two jobs - finding problems vs
investigating them?

I'm looking to standardize on something for ongoing use as part of a
development process, so I guess another important thing is the features for
recording/storing/sharing reasonably complex scenario information.

We're also considering moving to Eclipse/Ant/JUnit - any synergies there
would be great, which seems to point towards JMeter...but OpenSTA appears a
more finished application?


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