> If I were a betting man, I would bet that CF continues to become closer
> to pure Java -- this would (potentially) improve performance and
> broaden the acceptance/use of the CF language

Well Said!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Applebaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Blackstone Strong Typing? was Re: CFX_FileReadLn

> On Jul 8, 2004, at 10:04 AM, Matt Robertson wrote:
> > One of the avowed tenets of Blackstone is to go back to CF's roots --
> >  a simple RAD tool that allows fast everyman productivity out of the
> >  box. Seems like strong typing goes in the other direction.
> >
> >  Just an observation.
> >
> Interesting... I hadn't heard that tenet -- I hope it is true, because
> it is truly one of CF's strong points.
> But it also appears that they are implementing things like listeners
> which are certainly not targeted to the tenet.
> Another big advantage of CF (IMO) is its rather complete implementation
> of complex constructs (tags, functions, scopes, data structures, CFCs).
> Now, "everyman" can write CF programs for years and never visit things
> like, cfobject, quotedValueList(), structures, etc. -- but they are
> there, waiting to be used, should the need arise:
> --- By "everyman" as he becomes more experienced, more proficient.
> --- By advanced programmers who also can realize CF's power and RAD
> capability.
> I kinda' think that MACR & NA want developers to use CFML for continued
> development, rather than just a "PrepSchool" language on the Road to
> becoming a "Real" programmer.
> ... at least I hope so.
> I don't think that implementing strong typing as optional (or
> localizing it to CFCs, or within cfsetting tags) will inhibit "Anyman",
> if done properly -- and based on their track record, MACR should be
> able to do that with ease!
> If I were a betting man, I would bet that CF continues to become closer
> to pure Java -- this would (potentially) improve performance and
> broaden the acceptance/use of the CF language.
> Dick
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