On Jul 8, 2004, at 9:09 PM, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:

>  >>  I have my doubts. The closer CF comes to pure Java, the
>  >>  more people
>  >>  will ask "why bother when there's Java". In order to
>  >>  stay alive in the
>  >>  market (as with any market) CF has to provide something
>  >>  significant to
>  >>  the customer which they can't get elsewhere.
>  >>
>  > Done right, CF doesn't need to give up anything to provide
>  > optional
>  > support for strong typing any more than they had to
>  > sacrifice anything
>  > to give us CFCs.
>  I never said it was a logical argument. :) Just that this is the way
>  the market will perceive further strides toward making CF more like
>  Java, whether that perception is warranted or not.

That is a very good point!  Market perception is very important.

Fortunately, there are a couple of pretty good "Marketing" companies
with a vested interest in the market acceptance of CFML.

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