I wasn't going to comment but...

CFEclipse is all I use personally (of course I helped wite it). I have
a tendency to be rather passionate about my projects so I'll refrain
from mouthing off. CFEclipse has far more tools then He3 and is by far
better a better CFML Plugin for eclipse. Sean seems to have had a bit
of a problem finding some of the (many) items that CFEclipse has that
he3 does not have.

here is a screen shot of the default CFEclipse perspective:


outline view (with filter support), cfc methods, view snippets, and
many other things that dont exist in *any* other CFML editor.

He3 has good framework support I hear, but as for a CFML editor
CFEclipse wins hands down and has perspectives and views that are very
simple to find.

Ok, so I mouthed off a bit....


On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:44:00 -0700, Sean Corfield
> > what's best option to change our old ColdFusion Studio IDE? Eclipse?
> > HomeSite? DW? Notepad?
> Ask a 100 CFers and get 200 different answers :)
> I think Nathan's response is probably the most useful - different
> editors for different situations.
> Personally (so this may not be useful!), I never liked HomeSite / CFS
> although I could never quite put my finger on why so I've always used
> DW for all my CF development (and PHP development and HTML design /
> layout / CSS - I use Contribute for general content editing on static
> sites). I used jEdit for a while (for CF) when DWMX came out because,
> well, the Mac version sorta sucked. When the DWMX6.1 updater came out,
> I switched back to DW (huge speedups on Mac). When DWMX2004 came out I
> upgraded and stuck with it even tho' it was a bit sucky until the
> 7.0.1 updater came out (again, big speedups!).
> Right now I'm trying to use He3 for all my CF development - mostly so
> I can provide feedback to RichPalette - although I usually have DW
> open too to handle FTP interaction with the myriad websites I have
> defined there.
> I've had some problems with Eclipse / CFEclipse - Spike et al know
> about them and are working hard to fix the CFEclipse issues. I find
> Eclipse itself to be very clunky - He3 does a better job of hiding
> stuff than CFEclipse although if you dig around, you can make the view
> pretty clean in CFEclipse too (it's just not as obvious how).
> As a Mach II developer, I find He3's support for Mach II very
> appealing (and unique in IDEs). It also has good support for FB4 with
> full fusebox and circuit XML grammars (so you get tag insight specific
> to FB4 - very neat!).
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