
May you a safe and secure round-trip. I'll try to do my part and push for
regime-change here at home -- and hopefully the 'gates of hell' will close
as our belligerent country moves towards an exit strategy.



"Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
07/15/2004 10:24 AM
Please respond to cf-talk

        To:     CF-Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        WOT but important

Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a
lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have
just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am
heading out next month for training and then should be in country around
January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look
forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this

Bruce Sorge
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