Strong work Bruce - Thank you!


And speaking as a serviceman who's spent time in the red zone in Haiti,
Bosnia and Southwest Asia, I hope you somehow realize how poor a
statement that is to make. Bruce volunteered for this duty as many of us
have done. I love the way you oversimplify the issue as is so often done
by the idiots making these kinds of statements. I'm quite sure this list
isn't the place for this argument, but while we're off-topic and I'm
replying to wish Bruce the best...

Man, that's like saying: "I wish you luck supporting our country that I
don't like very much". What's a guy going to say to that? The phrase
"thanks, but keep your f-ing negative comments to yourself" sure comes
to mind. People never seem to be able to grasp what kind of an insult
this actually is to the people in the services and that pisses me off. I
don't take issue with your belief that we should or shouldn't be over
there, but you and others making similar statements need to understand
that this isn't an acceptable comment to make to someone who thinks
enough about this country and his comrades to volunteer to fight for and
protect them.

Currently sick on the server room floor,



Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: WOT but important


May you a safe and secure round-trip. I'll try to do my part and push
regime-change here at home -- and hopefully the 'gates of hell' will
as our belligerent country moves towards an exit strategy.


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