On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:34:10 -0600, Jon Gunnip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was thinking I could describe the structure in XML and then use XSLT
> to write my 400-1000 line CFM page.  Then I could cfinclude the result.
> It would be great is someone out there has already defined a nice DTD
> for doing this.
> Anyone doing anything like this?

Yeah, I am working on a project that does that. Actually it takes and
XML document makes an XSD out of it then uses the XSD+XSLT to make
form elements so what you are saying it totally possible.  The only
code that I could share with you is XSD+XSLT->form elements though,
which I dont think is what you want. If you'd like to see the code let
me know and I'll send it to you.


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