Blackstone does this.  You write simple CFFORM/CFINPUT tags and behind the
scenes it generates XForms (XML standard).  Then it uses an XSLT to
transform into HTML.  You can use provided XSLT's or make your own.

It was demoed heavily during Ben Forta's user group tour and is pretty kewl.

Another thing you can look at is instead of using xml/xslt it might be
easier to create a set of custom form tags.. cf_form, cf_input, cf_select
and put the display logic in those.  You could even use cfimport to have
different styles as long as they expose the same tags.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Gunnip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: XML/XSLT to write typical CF Form page

I have an app with 100 forms that are all very similar in structure:
1) filter on some heirarchy of properies on the left: e.g. Year ->
State -> City to find a paricular record
2) edit, delete, or add a new record on the right

I want to streamline the maintenance of writing these CF self-posting
form processing pages since the structure seems pretty consistent but
each form is between 400 and 1000 lines of CF/HTML.  

I was thinking I could describe the structure in XML and then use XSLT
to write my 400-1000 line CFM page.  Then I could cfinclude the result.
It would be great is someone out there has already defined a nice DTD
for doing this.

Anyone doing anything like this?

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