On Jul 19, 2004, at 3:07 PM, cfhelp wrote:

> I have built a simple JukeBox for the CF_Nuke Portal that embeds  
> MediaPlayer
>  and plays files from directories on your site.

What is the CF_Nuke portal?

I written a simple CF  program that:

1) Parses my iTunes Library.xml file
2) creates a structure of playlists and tracks (songs)
3) servers that to a browser.
4) The User selects a playlist and then selects a track
5) a window pops up and the song plays in via the quicktime plugin.

The quicktime plugin provides all the controls.

That said, it works differently in different browsers -- and I have a  
problem that sounds similar to yours.

When a song finishes, I must close the popup before another can open  
and  another song can play.

I haven't spent much time on it lately, but plan to resolve this with  
_javascript_ or a Java applet.

BTW, It plays movies too,

Maybe we can help each other.


>  Here is the script that embeds the Mediaplayer does anyone know how I  
> can
>  reload the page when a song ends?
>  var WMP7;
>  if ( navigator.appName != "Netscape" ){   
>       WMP7 = new ActiveXObject('WMPlayer.OCX');
>  }
>  if ( WMP7 )
>  {
>       document.write ('<OBJECT ID=MediaPlayer ');
>       document.write ('  
> CLASSID=""> >       document.write (' standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player
>  components..."');
>       document.write (' TYPE="application/x-oleobject" width="140"
>  height="40">');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="url"
>  VALUE="<cfoutput>#URL_Path#</cfoutput>"');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="true">');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="1">');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="uiMode" VALUE="mini">');
>       document.write ('</OBJECT>');
>  }
>  else
>  {
>       //IE Code
>       document.write ('<OBJECT ID=MediaPlayer ');
>       document.write  
> ('CLASSID="" ');
>       document.write
> nsmp2inf
>  .cab#Version=6,4,5,715 ');
>       document.write ('standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player
>  components..." ');
>       document.write ('TYPE="application/x-oleobject" width="140"
>  height="40">');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="FileName"
>  VALUE="<cfoutput>#URL_Path#</cfoutput>"');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="true">');
>       document.write ('<PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="1">');
>       //Netscape code
>       document.write ('    <Embed type="application/x-mplayer2"');
>       document.write ('
>  pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/"');
>       document.write  
> ('        filename="<cfoutput>#URL_Path#</cfoutput>"');
>       document.write ('        src=""> >       document.write ('        Name=MediaPlayer');
>       document.write ('        ShowControls=1');
>       document.write ('        ShowDisplay=0');
>       document.write ('        ShowStatusBar=1');
>       document.write ('        width=290');
>       document.write ('        height=40>');
>       document.write ('    </embed>');
>       document.write ('</OBJECT>');
>  }
>  Rick Eidson
>  Partner & CTO
>  ArcRiver Technology, LLC
>  ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City
>  http://www.arcriver.com/ <http://www.arcriver.com/>
>  Kansas City Musicians
>  http://www.kcjukebox.com/
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