At 8:06 AM 7/20/4, Dick Applebaum wrote:
>  [snip]

Are you asking "How can I control a QuickTime file via _javascript_?" If so,
then a Google search on " liveconnect" will bring up relevant

If you're instead asking something closer to "Can I stop a QuickTime
stream?" then the missing part of the question would be whether you're
using an HTTP server or a QuickTime streaming server, and then answer would
likely be in the Apple docs somewhere.

NB: One of the reasons that Flash technologies are popular for this type of
work is that the interactivity is handled in the same engine as the
multimedia rendering, so you don't have to do browser-testing and the dual
_javascript_/VBScript implementations to get it to work.

(The thread title chosen here doesn't help figure out what the question
might be, either.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Developer Support, San Francisco
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