On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 17:21:17 -0400, Sangeeta Karmokar
> Hi,
> I am new to CF. we have backend as MySql and I am trying to inser into a database created in SQL using this query:
> <cfquery name="add" datasource="newmembers">
> INSERT INTO members
>         (name,email)
> VALUES ('#name#','#email#')
> But it is not adding to the database, the submit is just going to the query page and we can see all these codes in browsers...

If I understand correctly you are able to view the raw cf code in your
browser - is that correct? If so, then coldfusion is not parsing the
code before handing it over to  the webserver. 1st things first - is
the page called something.cfm? If not, change it to a cfm extension
and then try again.  If not - what web server are you using and on
which platform.
Also, you forgot to close your cfquery tag up there - could that be a
simpler answer?

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