Are you still running 6.0? I believe they fixed this in 6.1. In 6.0 I
resorted to either using request scoped vars or using code to
cfinclude the UDF when executionmode=start.

Also, if you just want the tag to run in start mode, you can simply
put this at the end of your custom tag:

<cfexit method="EXITTAG">

No need to check execution mode. This one line will simply make the
custom tag run in start mode.

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:25:25 -0400, Jamie Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have had a problem a couple times when I've tried to put a UDF
> within a custom tag. CF insists that the function has been declared
> more than once. I figured this was because of the sort of doubling
> effect the start/end execution modes have, but the problem persists
> even when I have <cfif thistag.executionmode is "end"><cfexit
> method="exittag"></cfif> at the top of the custom tag. I think that
> when I've encountered this, I've had to remove the UDF, request-scope
> it, and put it in the general UDF library, even though it really is
> just a private method of the custom tag.
> Solutions?
> Thanks,
> Jamie
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