I'd set a request-scoped variable just before or after my function
declaration (ie "request.functionnameIsDeclared" or something else
you'll never use anywhere else) and check for its existence.


Jamie Jackson wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 16:38:03 +0100, in cf-talk you wrote:
>  >You are getting this error as by default Custom Tags are called twice
>  >internally AFAIK..
> So are UDFs not allowed within Custom Tags?
> I also tried wrapping the function declaration in a testing
> conditional:
> <cfif not isdefined("doOption")>
> <cfscript>
> function doOption() {
> ...
> }
> </cfscript>
> </cfif>
> But CF complains that doOption is a complex variable, and it can't
> test for its definition. Is there a way to do an existence test on
> UDFs, or is there a cleaner way to do UDFs in Custom Tags?
> Thanks,
> Jamie
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