
If you think that the problem is memory related, then there are also some other things that can be taking up memory besides application variables. Take a look at cached queries, session variables (you may want to lower timouts, or use them less), your template cache may be too large.

Pete Freitag
Author of the CFMX Developers Cookbook

Brook Davies wrote:

> I am still getting daily crashes, today our webserver has crashed twice.
> Today what happened the first time was that IIS 5.0 (on win2k) crashes
> and
> was automatically restarted by the service recovery setting. However, the
> connection to Jrun was lost and requests to cfm pages returned the unable
> to connect to jrun error.
> Also, I have been getting crashes where jrun.exe continues to run but all
> requests for cfm pages return the same unable to connect to jrun error as
> though the service was not running. IIS did not crash, the connection to
> jrun was apparently just lost.
> I took some of the advise I got last week and increased the max heap
> to 756
> megs and also brought the minimum up aswell. I also added some hourly
> cleanup scripts to remove data from the application scope, and this does
> seem to be keep memory usage a bit lower.
> I've been through all the log files and there is nothing that stands
> out. I
> don't know what else do to except possibly rebuild the server.
> Brook
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