It is definitely a bug. It was fixed in either 6.0 or 6.1. And thank
goodness it was. :)


On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 17:23:32 -0400, Jamie Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:39:19 -0500, in cf-talk you wrote:
> >Jamie - If you are on CF5 you only have 2 choices really...
> >
> >Use the request scope. You would define the UDF in the request BEFORE
> >you call the custom tag. Ie, Application.cfm may cfinclude a file of
> >UDFs where each UDF is copied to the request scope. You would call the
> >UDF in the CT by using
> >
> >In the custom tag, use cfinclude to include the file only in
> >executionMode = start.
> Hi Ray,
> I am already using the request scope, I just wanted to know what/if I
> was doing wrong when trying the UDF declaration within the CT. Since
> what I was doing is *theoretically* right, I'm satisfied to consider
> this a bug, and will continue to use the request scope workaround.
> Thanks for validating the request scope workaround and offering the
> second (cfinclude) workaround.
> So, umm, "case closed" or something. ;-)
> Thanks,
> Jamie
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