well so do I, but I didn't develop this app or these db's
unfortunately... of all the things that are wrong with this app,
keywords is the least significant... of course, until I have to create
a table with cf...

> Not that this should make a whole lot of difference I the
> context of your
> issue, but I try and steer clear of using reserved words
> (trigger,description) for column names. I doubt it has
> anything to do with
> your problem but just thought I would throw that in there.

> Mike

>> I'm going to lose my hair...
>> create table dbo.t_migrate (
>> [apid] [int] NULL ,
>> [artgroup] [nvarchar](10) NULL ,
>> [triggertype] [nvarchar](1) NULL ,
>> [trigger] [real] NULL ,
>> [span] [int] NULL ,
>> [increasetype] [nvarchar](1) NULL ,
>> [increaseamt] [real] NULL ,
>> [increasepercent] [real] NULL ,
>> [increaselevel] [smallint] NULL ,
>> [lastincdate] [datetime] NULL ,
>> [countfromdate] [datetime] NULL ,
>> [createdate] [datetime] NULL ,
>> [noautoincs] [int] NULL ,
>> [isactive] [bit] NULL ,
>> [description] [ntext] NULL
>> )
>> this query works in query analyzer with SQL 2000... in cf
>> it
>> produces the sql error "incorrect syntax near the keyword
>> 'trigger'
>> So in a vain attempt to make this work the way it's
>> supposed
>> to, I tried executing the sp_executeSQL stored procedure
>> with
>> this string of sql code as the statement parameter only
>> to
>> discover that it won't work without a unicode argument
>> and
>> there's no way for me to pass a unicode value to it from
>> ColdFusion (even though CF supports unicode).
>> Don't ask me why - but it wouldn't accept cf_sql_varchar
>> or
>> cf_sql_longvarchar even after using cfprocessingdirective
>> to
>> make sure the character set was UTF-8 ... and ther aren't
>> any
>> cf_sql_nvarchar values as far as I know... are there? did
>> I
>> miss something?
>> Anyway, so I create another stored procedure...
>> create procedure p_createTable
>>   @tabledef varchar(4000)
>> as
>>   declare @myvar nvarchar (4000);
>>   set @myvar = convert(nvarchar(4000),@tabledef);
>>   exec sp_executeSQL @myvar;
>> go
>> again, everything is hunky-dory when executed in query
>> analyzer. When I execute the same procedure with the same
>> argument in CF, SQL Server chews it up and spits it out
>> again
>> with the _same_ error "incorrect syntax near keyword
>> 'trigger'"
>> I'm at my wit's end... Any help would be greatly
>> appreciated...
>> s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117
>> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
>> add features without fixtures with
>> the onTap open source framework
>> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=44477&DE=1

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