OK, try this as a test. It worked on Oracle, but who knows...

<!--- I guess you'll need to put the brackets back in place of the
double quotes. --->

<cfquery name="ts" datasource="#application.dsn#">

      create table testing(apid int NULL , artgroup int NULL ,
triggertype int NULL , "trigger" int NULL , span int NULL , increasetype
int NULL , increaseamt int NULL , increasepercent int NULL ,
increaselevel int NULL , lastincdate int NULL , countfromdate int NULL ,
createdate int NULL , noautoincs int NULL , isactive int NULL ,
description int NULL)


All I did here was to remove the (10)and (1) from some of your datatype
defs and it worked. When I tried to run the exact query you provided
(after changing from brackets to quotes) it failed with the error
"Missing right parenthesis". I thought that was odd so I removed them
and it worked perfectly.

Still looking into the "why"



From: Ken Ferguson
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 1:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Create Table w/ Escaped Column Name

We all know Ike wouldn't do this of his own choosing. At least any of us
who have worked with him do.

What happens if, as a test, you try to do something likened to this:


      Create table dbo.t_testing([trigger] int NULL)


What's that give you???

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