Was undecided about posting this here versus CF-Jobs-Talk but since it
involves a technical question versus being job-related, decided to post
to CF-Talk.

I've recently read the book "Hackers and Painters" (by Paul Graham) and
it was a very exciting book to read for those of us involved in
programming who one day dream of building the "next best" software
product.  As Paul Graham speaks of superior programming languages and
targets LISP as being "the one", this book got me thinking about CF.  
I've been a CF / Visual Basic guy for the past 6-8 years and know
nothing of LISP and/or whether it would be reasonable to study it in
terms of designing a Web software product (Viaweb, which sold to Yahoo
as their shopping card builder, was programmed in LISP).  So to the
bottom line ... for those of you Web software developers planning on
designing the next best application - one which outperforms all others
in it's class (shopping cart builder, lead gen app, etc.), - is Cold
Fusion truly the language to focus on?  Other contenders are of course
Asp.net, PHP, Python, Perl, (and Lisp?).  I have found programming Cold
Fusion to provide rapid application development over the years but have
recently been directed into the "dark side" (Asp.net) and ... using
VisualStudio.net to program Asp.net apps is quite nice impressive,
though I miss programming in Cold Fusion.

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