Firtht, I think iths pronounthed Lithp!


Second, you gotta love parentheses.

I've done a little PHP and ASP -- too granular for most of my needs.

I done several years of Perl -- can't even read my code anymore.

Don't know Ruby or Python.

I plan to use CF Anywhere I can (maybe even on the desktop-- that's
another story).

I love CF's simplicity and power and the tendency to be more
self-documenting that other languages,

I am in the process of learning Java to:

1) Extend CF Code when necessary
2) write desktop apps or browser applets when necessary.

I am in the process of learning SMIL -- an A/V manipulation and control
language for browser plugins and desktop players.

I hope that's all I will need.



"The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be
the designated driver."
-Jay Leno -

On Jul 26, 2004, at 6:57 AM, Chuck Mason wrote:

> Was undecided about posting this here versus CF-Jobs-Talk but since it
>  involves a technical question versus being job-related, decided to
> post
>  to CF-Talk.
>  I've recently read the book "Hackers and Painters" (by Paul Graham)
> and
>  it was a very exciting book to read for those of us involved in
>  programming who one day dream of building the "next best" software
>  product.  As Paul Graham speaks of superior programming languages and
>  targets LISP as being "the one", this book got me thinking about CF.  
>  I've been a CF / Visual Basic guy for the past 6-8 years and know
>  nothing of LISP and/or whether it would be reasonable to study it in
>  terms of designing a Web software product (Viaweb, which sold to Yahoo
>  as their shopping card builder, was programmed in LISP).  So to the
>  bottom line ... for those of you Web software developers planning on
>  designing the next best application - one which outperforms all others
>  in it's class (shopping cart builder, lead gen app, etc.), - is Cold
>  Fusion truly the language to focus on?  Other contenders are of course
>, PHP, Python, Perl, (and Lisp?).  I have found programming
> Cold
>  Fusion to provide rapid application development over the years but
> have
>  recently been directed into the "dark side" ( and ... using
> to program apps is quite nice impressive,
>  though I miss programming in Cold Fusion.
>  Chuck
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