I've got a strange problem. Whenever I try to add more than 13 fields, I get a "datatype mismatch error". Below is my update query:
<CFQUERY NAME="InsertRequest" DATASOURCE="esidb1">
UPDATE tblbillingaddr
SET billingcontact = '#Form.billingcontact#',
billingemail = '#Form.billingemail#',
billingaddr = '#Form.billingaddr#',
billingaddr2 = '#Form.billingaddr2#',
billingfaxnumber = '#Form.billingfaxnumber#',
billingcellnumber = '#Form.billingcellnumber#',
billingcity = '#Form.billingcity#',
billingzip = '#Form.billingzip#',
billingstate = '#Form.billingstate#',
billingphone = '#Form.billingphone#',
billingext = '#Form.billingext#',
signage = '#Form.signage#',
signagename = '#Form.signagename#'
WHERE billingaddrID = #Form.billingaddrID#
However, I have 5 other fields that need to be udpated, but when I any of the fields beyond what I have listed above. In fact, I can interchange all of the fields with those above, but I can't update any fields past the 13 list above.
This makes no sense!
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While updating a different table, I ran into the same exact problem. If I try and update more than 13 records, I get the datatype mismatch error.
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- Re: Datatype Mismatch Error on Update - Help! hammerin hankster