Do you have any kind of limit set in your datasource settings in regards
to buffers or anything like that? Are any of the fields you're using
exceptionally long? (Textarea boxes?) That's all I can think of to
-----Original Message-----
From: hammerin hankster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 1:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Datatype Mismatch Error on Update - Help!
I've got a strange problem. Whenever I try to add more than 13 fields, I
get a "datatype mismatch error". Below is my update query:
<CFQUERY NAME="InsertRequest" DATASOURCE="esidb1">
UPDATE tblbillingaddr
SET billingcontact = '#Form.billingcontact#', billingemail =
'#Form.billingemail#', billingaddr = '#Form.billingaddr#',
billingaddr2 = '#Form.billingaddr2#',
billingfaxnumber = '#Form.billingfaxnumber#', billingcellnumber =
'#Form.billingcellnumber#', billingcity = '#Form.billingcity#',
billingzip = '#Form.billingzip#', billingstate = '#Form.billingstate#',
billingphone = '#Form.billingphone#', billingext = '#Form.billingext#',
signage = '#Form.signage#', signagename = '#Form.signagename#'
WHERE billingaddrID = #Form.billingaddrID#
However, I have 5 other fields that need to be udpated, but when I any
of the fields beyond what I have listed above. In fact, I can
interchange all of the fields with those above, but I can't update any
fields past the 13 list above.
This makes no sense!
[New Information]
While updating a different table, I ran into the same exact problem. If
I try and update more than 13 records, I get the datatype mismatch
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- Datatype Mismatch Error on Update - Help! hammerin hankster
- Re: Datatype Mismatch Error on Update - Help! Ewok
- Burns, John D