it will cache it for everyone, its a server side cache
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: daniel kessler
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 3:59 PM
  Subject: Re: tip of the day

  So by caching the query, it assures that everyone gets the same random TIP for the day or just that particular machine?

  > well there are a couple of ways to get a random record...
  > as long as ou are not using access there is a RAND() function to do it...
  > something like this if i remember correctly
  > select * from table order by Rand() limit 1
  > that SHOULD return 1 random record everytime its ran.
  > you could also get all of the IDs from the table and then select a
  > radom ID from the #ValueList(QueryName.QueryColumn)# variable
  > like...
  > <cfquery name="IDs" datasource="datasource">
  > select ID from table
  > </cfquery>
  > <cfset randomID = listGetAt(valuelist(IDs.ID), RandRange(1,
  > listlen(Valuelist(IDs.ID)))>
  > then just select * from table where ID = #val(randomid)#
  > the caching part is easy, it is an attribute of the cfquery tag and as
  > long as its not cleared or the server rebooted, or CF services
  > restarted, then it should last the full cached duration...
  > for 24 hours...
  > <cfquery name="QueryName" datasource="datasourcename"
  > cachedwithin="#createtimespan(0,24,0,0)#">
  > select whatever
  > </cfquery>
  > ** CreateTimeSpan(Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds)
  > ----- Original Message -----
  > From: daniel kessler
  > To: CF-Talk
  > Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 1:36 PM
  > Subject: Re: tip of the day
  > > Id stick with ID and tip, pull a random one each time and cache the
  > > query for 24 hours.
  > That brings up some questions.  So, I pull a random tip each day, not
  > a random tip each page refresh.  So what pulls the random tip and sets
  > it as the TOTD?  I've also not yet looked into caching queries.  ugh
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