keep what you got with the 24 hour cache... add your tipUsed column to the table

when u have a tip to display.. throw an update query in there to flag the tipUsed column as used

thats pretty much it :)

so now when the cache expires, the next tip will be grabbed and flagged

<cfquery name="gettip" datasource="MYDSN" maxrows="1" cachedwithin"#CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#">
select * from tbl_tips where tipUsed = 0

this will grab the first tip that it comes to where TipUsed is 0

now set the tip being used as Used

<!--- If there was no record returned then the table is either empty or all tips are set to USED and will need to be reset --->
<cfif GetTip.RecordCount is 0>
    <!--- Reset all tips to NOT USED --->
    <cfquery name="ResetTips" datasource="MYDSN">
    UPDATE tbl_Tips
    SET TipUsed = 0

    <!--- after its reset, THEN grab your tip and cache it --->
    <cfquery name="gettip" datasource="MYDSN" maxrows="1" cachedwithin"#CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#">
    select * from tbl_tips where tipUsed = 0


<!--- now as long as your table is not empty, you have a tip and can set it to USED (TipUsed = 0) --->
<cfif GetTip.RecordCount NEQ 0>
    <cfquery name="UpdateTip" datasource="MYDSN">
        UPDATE tbl_Tips
        SET TipUsed = 1
        WHERE TipID = #val(GetTip.TipID)#


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: daniel kessler
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 2:02 PM
  Subject: Re: tip of the day

  ok, I have another TOTD question.  I was told that each tip can only be displayed once and that they would prefer that I go down the list from record 1 to n.  When all records are displayed once, then I can go through the list again.

  I have a thought on a way to do this, but not sure if it's sensible or the best way:

  1 - Have a "tip_used" column.
  2 - Query for a list of unused tips, sorted by their ID field will will be an ascending unique number.
  3 - If the number of unused tips is 0, then go through all the records and set them all to unused  ( ? )
  3 - Grab the first tip, get it's ID.
  4 - Query for that ID and make it a cached query.

  and maybe i can put all this in a <cflock> to make it all happen at once?

  All thoughts are appreciated.
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