I feel as if I should jump back into the conversation again.  I did ask a loaded question regarding if MM is going to continue with CFscript in the future.  I am sorry for opening up a can of worms.

As for the things not available in cfscript (i.e. cfabort, cfinclude, cflocate, etc.), there are way to get those functions (albeit a limited list) with certain UDFs.  It can be very nice to write a big logic block with the option to abort something and still be in cfscript.  Critize me all you want - in the end it works

I'm sure that some would argue that CF does show as "good" as debug info when it's in a cfscript block.  I'm willing to deal with that considering the look and feel of cfscript being closer to ECMA script and ActionScript.

I could quabble about the fact that cfscript doesn't follow the same operators as ECMA script, but I should point of that it's not ECMA script.  CFscript uses the same operators (EQ, GTE, LT, etc.) of what you use in standard CFML and the same arguement could be made that cfscript *should* be similar to actual CFML.

Also, I should point out that cfscript in general is faster to type out.  I won't disclose the IDE I use - I wish not to spur another "my IDE is better than yours" - your IDE is your preference and as of yet there is not perfect IDE.  However, getting back to what I was going to say - in cfscript you don't have to keep opening and closing tags.

When it comes to speed - CFML VS. CFscript.  I believe it all comes out in the wash.  There are some "known" things that are definitely faster in most circumstances (please don't kill me on this one - personal preference) - like long lists of setting variables and their values.  I usually use - three or more variables to set than just use cfscript.

My $.02...

Peter J. Farrell
Maestro Publishing
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