The slash at the end is an XML self-close, which is optional in CF.
I've just gotten in the habit of always using self-closes for unclosed
tags (CFPARAM, CFSET, IMG, BR, etc.).  The only thing to watch out for
is that a self-close is actually a open and closing tag rolled into
one (i.e. <cfset /> is the same as <cfset></cfset>), so if you've got
a custom tag called with a self-close, it will be called twice, once
for the open tag and once for the close tag.


On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 12:14:07 -0400, Roberto Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 06:36 AM 8/17/04, Barney Boisvert wrote:
> >The simplest approach is to use a CFPARAM for every form field at the
> >top of your form, and then use the VALUE attribute of the INPUT tag to
> >load the value.  [snipped]
> >
> ><cfparam name="" default="" />
> ><cfparam name="" default="" />
> Thanks to all for the suggestions. I assume the forward slash at the end of
> the tag is to break the code so the message board won't try to execute
> that, right?
> Roberto
> --
Barney Boisvert
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