At 06:36 AM 8/17/04, Barney Boisvert wrote:
>The simplest approach is to use a CFPARAM for every form field at the
>top of your form, and then use the VALUE attribute of the INPUT tag to
>load the value.

Hi all,

I still can't get the desired results, so I'm posting some code so that
someone can tell me what I'm missing. Basically I could have a "form.cfm"
and an "action.cfm" page, or I could process both form and actions on the
same page. I'm using the first option (2 separate pages), following one of
the examples posted before:

- - - - Form page (registrationForm.cfm) - - - - - -

<cfparam name="form.UserFirstName" default="">
<cfparam name="form.UserLastName" default="">

<form action="" method="POST"
name="registration_form" id="registration_form">
<input name="UserFirstName" type="text" value="#form.UserFirstName#"
size="15" maxlength="25">
<input type="text" name="UserLastName" value="#form.UserLastName#"
size="15" maxlength="35">
<input type="text" name="UserID" maxlength="20" size="15">
<input type="submit" name="register" value="Submit">

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - Action page (registrationAction.cfm) - - - -

<cfif NOT isDefined("form.register")>
<cfset back2registration="registrationForm.cfm?warning=" &
URLEncodedFormat("Invalid information entered. Please complete this
registration form")>
<cflocation url=""> </cfif>

<cfif IsDefined("FORM.register")>
   <cfquery name="checkUser" datasource="dicUsers_dsn">
   SELECT user_tb.UserID FROM user_tb WHERE user_tb.UserID='#FORM.UserID#'

   <cfif checkUser.RecordCount GTE 1>
     <cfset back2registration ="registrationForm.cfm?message=" &
URLEncodedFormat("Username already exists. Please choose a different one")>
         <cflocation url=''>
         (create the username here before someone else takes it. Code not

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As it is now, when the visitor is sent back because the username already
exists, the First Name and Last Name fields in the form are not
self-populated with the previously entered information, and the visitor has
to re-enter all of it (the real form has much more information to be

So, what am I missing here?

Thanks in advance,

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