At 10:36 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
>What are you talking about? If you're being serious, this doesn't make
>any sense at all. If you're joking, it's not funny.

I'm serious. I just ported the Mach-II framework to a nice, compact 12K executable for my Commodore-64. Now I can connect my 64 (and my old Commodore PET, soon) to my Pentium box via the gateway.

Decoupling CFMX from the jaws of HTTP has opended new doors for legacy integration. And FB4 makes this possible.


>----- Original Message -----
>From: Alexander Sherwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:00:05 -0400
>Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article
>At 09:56 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
>>> matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message,
>>> you are way off the scales on the iq chart im sure,
>>> but....your delivery sucks.
>>> if your personality was half of what your intelligence was,
>>> man, im sure you could be president.  i hope this doesnt
>>> offend you, its not intended to do so, this list isnt the
>>> forum for this, and i dont have the time for it, but please,
>>> dont take offense, learn a lesson in people skills, it will
>>> GET YOU VERY FAR!!!!!!!!!!
>>> tony.
>>And with that... Tony single handedly silenced the list.  LOL
>If the gateway doesn't support FuseBox 4.5 circuits and the FLiP
>process (not to mention .qry and .dsp files), then MACR should go with
>Mach-II listeners.
>Mach-II is really the best choice to build the forthcoming remote Java
>--> CFC invocation event-based gateway, by far.
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