Why dont you use JS and let the client do all the validation?

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 15:58:00 +1200, Mark Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi Qasim,
> I was doing something similar to this when your answer arrived, only I wasn't using urlencoding (though it was still working). After I broke it down to a simple test case and compared to my login form I realised I needed to pass the values back via the url.  I must admit I'm still not sure why. Oh, and one last thing -- thanks!
> Regards
> Mark Henderson
> Web Designer
> 205 Main Street
> PO Box 143, Gore
> Southland 9700
> Phone: (03) 203 9999
> Fax: (03) 203 9900
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Qasim Rasheed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:14 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: form validation problems
> Pass the message with cflocation too
> <cfif variables.msg IS NOT "">
>  <cfset variables.msg="<h1>ENTRY ERROR</h1>The following error(s)
> were detected:<ul>#variables.msg#</ul>">
>   <cflocation URL=""> > variables.msg  )#">
> </cfif>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 12:43:32 +1200
> Subject: form validation problems
> I've recently revisited some form validation issues, and once again
> it's driving me batty. Here is what I have so far...
> here's the main part of the form from dsp_register.cfm
> at the top I set a default value for variables.msg and form fields
> <cfparam name="form.team_name" default="">
> <cfparam name="form.company_name" default="">
> <cfparam name="form.address_1" default="">
> <cfparam name="form.email" default="">
> <cfparam name="variables.msg" default="">
> <cfif isdefined("client.form_variables")>
>  <cfwddx action="" input="#client.form_variables#" output="formTemp">
>  <cfloop index="formItem" list="#StructKeyList(formTemp)#">
>    <cfset StructInsert(form,formItem,evaluate("formTemp." &
> formItem), true)>
>  </cfloop>
> </cfif>
>  <cfif variables.msg is not "">
>    <p>#variables.msg#</p>
>  </cfif>
> <form name="npcregister" method="post" enablecab="No"
>  action=""> > class="center">
>  <div class="rugbyform">
>    Team Name:<br />
>    <input type="text" name="team_name" value="#form.team_name#"
> size="34" /><br />
>    Company Name:<br />
>    <input type="text" name="company_name" value="#form.company_name#"
> size="34" /><br />
>    Address 1:<br />
>    <input type="text" name="address_1" value="#form.address_1#"
> size="34" /><br />
>    Email:<br />
>    <input type="text" name="email" size="34" /><br /><br />
>    Charge my Chamber account
>    <input type="radio" name="payment" value="charge chamber"
> class="radio" /><br />
>    I will forward payment to Box 237, Gore
>    <input type="radio" name="payment" value="forward payment"
> class="radio" /><br /><br />
>    <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"
> class="button" />
>    <input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="Reset" class="button" />
>  </div>
> </form>
> it then gets sent to the XFA.submitRegister for validation (using
> act_validateRegisterInfo.cfm) which is as follows:
> <cfwddx action="" input="#form#"
> output="client.form_variables" usetimezoneinfo="No">
>  <cfif form.team_name IS "">
>    <cfset variables.msg=variables.msg & "<li>You must enter your team
> name</li>">
>  </cfif>
>  <cfif form.company_name IS "">
>    <cfset variables.msg=variables.msg & "<li>You must enter your
> company name</li>">
>  </cfif>
>  <cfif form.address_1 IS "">
>    <cfset variables.msg=variables.msg & "<li>You must enter a valid
> address</li>" >
>  </cfif>
> <cfif variables.msg IS NOT "">
>  <cfset variables.msg="<h1>ENTRY ERROR</h1>The following error(s)
> were detected:<ul>#variables.msg#</ul>">
>   <cflocation URL=""> > </cfif>
> Which by rights should send the user back to the form if one of the
> above fields is empty, and above the form it should list the errors.
> However, when a field is left empty such ss company_name, it will send
> me back and it will display the values I had previously entered (using
> cfwddx) that were ok...but it WONT show me the variables.msg for those
> invalid entries (variables.msg is always "")
> What am I doing wrong? All I want to do is output the relevant error
> messages in a list when the user is returned to the form and keep
> previously entered form data. Help! Or is there another more efficient
> way of achieving this? I've heard of cf_reuseform but know nothing
> about it.
> All help greatly appreciated. TIA
> Regards
> Mark
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