----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Tilbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> FarCry?
> http://farcry.daemon.com.au/
> It's a bitch to install though and out of the question if hosted on an ISP without access to  > mappings. It seems good but gave up on it due to installation complexity on a standalone > box even.

Pete, that's unfortunate.  Generally I can install the product within
5minutes -- but admittedly I'm used to it :)  You should try the
farcry-dev list, plenty of folks on there with a myriad of install
environments that can offer lots of help.  Standalone box installation
is generally very straight forward.

Currently you can deploy to linux, windows and OSX; with support for
MS SQL, Oracle, Postgresql and mySQL.

With regard to ISP hosting -- it's true FarCry requires the assistance
of the ISP.  It requires the installation of a shared code library for
all farcry apps within a CFMX instance, which sits under a single CF
Mapping.  The only real issue here is providing a service for multiple
shared hosters who want to use FarCry (ie. its difficult to have
multiple versions of the farcry shared library running under one

That said there are already several CF hosters who have taken on
FarCry and provide it as a standard hosting option for their clients.
Just post to the farcry-dev list asking for hosters ;)

-- geoff
On the road via GMail.
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