Does anyone know if FarCry runs on BD?

Hugo Ahlenius                  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Officer                Phone:            +46 8 230460
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---- Original Message ----
From: "Geoff Bowers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 02:56
Subject: Re: Homepage content management

| ----- Original Message -----
|| From: Peter Tilbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|| FarCry?
|| It's a bitch to install though and out of the question if hosted on
|| an ISP without access to  > mappings. It seems good but gave up on
|| it due to installation complexity on a standalone > box even.  
| Pete, that's unfortunate.  Generally I can install the product within
| 5minutes -- but admittedly I'm used to it :)  You should try the
| farcry-dev list, plenty of folks on there with a myriad of install
| environments that can offer lots of help.  Standalone box installation
| is generally very straight forward.
| Currently you can deploy to linux, windows and OSX; with support for
| MS SQL, Oracle, Postgresql and mySQL.
| With regard to ISP hosting -- it's true FarCry requires the assistance
| of the ISP.  It requires the installation of a shared code library for
| all farcry apps within a CFMX instance, which sits under a single CF
| Mapping.  The only real issue here is providing a service for multiple
| shared hosters who want to use FarCry (ie. its difficult to have
| multiple versions of the farcry shared library running under one
| instance).
| That said there are already several CF hosters who have taken on
| FarCry and provide it as a standard hosting option for their clients.
| Just post to the farcry-dev list asking for hosters ;)
| -- geoff
| On the road via GMail.
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