I've had a couple users of the component report this problem.  I'm
working on resolving it ASAP.

The problem stems from the JPEG specification which allows the red and
either green or blue channel to be swapped.  In the case of the Image
Component when it reads one of these images the channels are not
ending up in the correct location.  This problem seems to be quite

However, as I said, I'm working on a fix to it.

Doug Hughes

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:15:02 -0400, Eric Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the code. those of you who want to see sample images email me and
> I'll send them directly to you.
>           <!--- This instantiates the component, thereby creating an object
> for us to work with. --->
>           <cfset myImage = CreateObject("Component",
> "CustomTags.corev2.imageComponent.Image") />
>           <cfset thisFile = "#thisImageID#.#form.filetype#">
>           <!--- Get the extension of the file we are uploading and the name
> of the file --->
>           <cfset fileName = #listFirst(thisFile, ".")#>
>           <cfset fileExtention = #listLast(thisFile, ".")#>
>           <!--- Test to make sure this is an ok file. IE it's an image
> file. --->
>           <!--- The getReadableFormats() function returns a list of ok
> formats to use. --->
>           <cfif #ListFindNoCase(#myImage.getReadableFormats()#,
> #fileExtention#, ",")#>
>            <!--- read the source image --->
>            <cfset
> myImage.readImage("#APPLICATION.installpath#\uploads\100011_product\#thisFil
> e#") />
>            <!--- resize the image to a specific width and height --->
>            <cfparam name="URL.scaleToSize" default="25">
>            <cfset myImage.scalePercent(#URL.scaleToSize#,#URL.scaleToSize#)
> />
>            <!--- output the image in it's original format with the new
> _thumbs added to the name. --->
>            <cfset
> myImage.writeImage("#APPLICATION.installpath#\uploads\100011_product\#fileNa
> me#_thumb.#fileExtention#", "#fileExtention#") />
>           </cfif>
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Joe Rinehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:11 AM
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Subject: Re: Alagad Image CFC
>   Eric,
>   Can you post your code?
>   -joe
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Eric Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:00:47 -0400
>   Subject: Alagad Image CFC
>   Anyone using the alagad image CFC and having problems with it putting a
> red
>   tint on resized images?
>   ERJ
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