wow thanks for pointing out ArgoUML. works great. Now somebody has to
create the XMI translation CFCs. I would try but I just don't have the
time at the moment.


----- Original Message -----
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 11:44:20 -0700
Subject: Re: UML Modeling

I like ArgoUML - it has the ability to export to the XMI standard
(which is xml).
From there you can XSLT your way to CFCs. It also keeps you from being
tied to just the one product.

(As an aside, I am, amongst other things, working on a xslt to
translate an XMI to CFCs.)

If you want flexabilty with your modeling I would recommend you pick
one that does support exporting to XMI.

Argo is cool - its a bit slow and a bit non-intuitive but the best
open source one I have found (aside from Dia (linux) and the one that
comes free on Mac - which doesn't export to XMI)

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 14:07:33 -0400, Dan O'Keefe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any tool recomendations for modeling a MX app's CFC's? Not the
> Rational Rose level, something within reach. I see Tigris has ArgoUML
> Dan
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