Also check out;

Servers Alive - free to 10 checks per script.

and Big Sister - free open source alternative to Big Brother

Mercury Interactive did have a free offering - I couldn't find on their
website though

Haven't checked out

>> I wrote SitePeeker (free in the MM devex) and use it to
>> test smtp, http, https, pop3, cf/db and web mail at 4-minute
>> intervals.

but you could certainly roll your own easy enough.

has some good stuff to extend the checks available in SitePeeker (is this
free open source? license?)

An advantage of creating your own, reporting is exactly what you want,
controlling both sides (server and "SitePeeker" client) your checks can be
quite extensive - processor load, hard drive space, number of users, traffic
rates. Colour coding, imagery, drill down scripts. In this model I would
create test scripts for new applications, and run periodically, or in case
of future application updates or system problems - I have an extensive test
script to verify a system's stability.

Big Sister has a system tray tool to monitor servers. I think a necessary
component - I am sure you could extend Matt's to pull/push system status to
a system tray program. Although I wouldn't know the best technologies (would
like to know) to use to build it.

I personally use a short 10 item list in Servers Alive to ping ISP gateway,
my servers, check cf (http to call cfm page w/ db), and services like DNS,
SMTP, POP, FTP. It sits in my system tray and can be configured to email,
ICQ, page etc. You can also configure some reporting functions, but I
haven't taken the time to fully take advantage of its features.

I am planning to implement a Big Sister Server to try it out.

I might try to create something on BlueDragon - I'll check out SitePeeker
tonight. I have an intranet install I can play around with. We have Big
Brother and NetView 6000 for monitoring - but I am hands off those tools.




From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 30, 2004 4:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Recommendations for a good site monitoring service?

Get yourself a cheap CF hosting acct and run your own (or run it off
your home broadband for free if you have a cf server license
available).  I wrote SitePeeker (free in the MM devex) and use it to
test smtp, http, https, pop3, cf/db and web mail at 4-minute

I used to run it off a $20 / month monthly hosting account but its
been running off my home dsl line for maybe the last two years.
Emails me whenever something bad happens, and best of all its free.

--Matt Robertson--
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