Dear all

I'm having a great deal of difficulty with a CF5 driven intranet which
has worked just fine on PC's and Mac OS9 for two years now.  They have
introduced some OS X boxes using roaming profiles from an OS X server.
It seems that cookie storage (MSIE and Safari) is kept in the profile
(rather than the box itself) which in principle is a good thing - but
-sometimes- it seems to be delivering up the wrong cookies (ie CFID &
CFTOKEN), specifically the pair belonging to the previous person to log
in to the Server.  It seems to all work fine if roaming profiles are
disabled, but we are talking about several dozen boxes here and my
client would rather not do this for other administrative reasons.

As you can imagine, this is a bit of a problem as people are logging in
to the Intranet as themselves but being shown as logged in as someone
else (with all their site permissions Etc.).  If they immediately log
out and log in again then they usually are themselves as they have now
been given the 'previous person's' cookies which are actually theirs.
Some sort of CFLOCATION logout / login-again kludge might alleviate the
problem but I don't think would be a true fix as it would all depend on
the timing of when people logged in...

As far as I can see, this is not a CF problem, rather, an OSX server /
roaming profile problem.  As a non-mac person myself, does anyone have
any suggestions and/or know of any good forums where I might find an
answer or a fix?


Richard Meredith-Hardy
Tel: + 44 (0)1462 834776 FAX: + 44 (0)1462 732668
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