You sure its not a problem on the other side? I use the getbytes
function regularly as well as other function that return btye arrays
like Gzip. This infommation is used with external applications and
Amazon. If it was buggy I wouldn't imagine it would be working.

Adam H

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:50:31 +0300, Neculai Macarie
> > humm well you could always use java. and bypass the base64 and see if
> > that solves it.
> >
> > <cfset stuff = "a">
> > <cfset WebService.test1(stuff.getbytes())>
> >
> > Adam
> Unfortunately it doens't help.
> Seems that I will have to report this as a bug and write my own toBase64 function.
> --
> <mack />
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