>>I think the W3C
>>need to take more external advice from developer how actually have to
>>use their standards in day to work, not just from the people that make
>>the browser products like MS and Mozilla.

I'll second that.
Now, as far as HTML and _javascript_ standards are concerned, and about the way they have been
settled, I think one must not forget a long history of more or less fair competition between Netscape and Microsoft.
Both these compagnies were members in the standard comitees, and both were defending their
approach. And at the time it happened, it was really a war between them.
But Netscape was still strong enough, and a couple of things they were not able to do have been specified
as "should not do" in the standard.

I remember in another life, I used to be a member in an ISO comitee for vocabulary in computer graphics.
Microsoft was not even a project, and Bill Gates was probabily still sucking his Pablum in these days,
but IBM, Xerox, etc. were omnipresent and fighting each others every minute.

>>BTW, you English is excellent...

Thanks, I do my best to stick to standards and I have a good documentation ;-)

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